Dance pole fitness : 2 biggest mistakes most newbies make

October 14, 2009

Mistake number 1, miss this idea and you should just stop now!RotatingImage_Pole1

At the risk of sounding trite or cliché I will lay it on the line. HAVE FUN! That is what pole dancing is all about. First and foremost you should be doing this for yourself and you should love it. Once you start having fun and letting yourself go and enjoying the endorphins will flow and time will fly. You won’t desireto come off the pole. When you are having so much fun you don’t want to stop that is when calories are burned and bodies are changed.

I don’t say this lightly. I see the people who are just letting go and having a blast come back again and again and practice at home. The ones that get inside their heads and judge themselves or others aren’t enjoying the moment and they end up stopping before any progress is made. Make this your time and have a ball, we all need more fun in our lives.

Mistake number 2, Make this mistake and you may have a broken leg…

If you are having a blast pole dancing and getting exercise, and you will then you will want to get a pole for your home. I can’t recommend this enough. For a one time investment you will have an incredible piece of fitness equipment that will last you the rest of your life. What I say to you on this note is invest wisely. Most poles aren’t returnable for hygiene reasons. There are all sorts of poles on the market but there are really only one or two worth investing in. Don’t go cheap on the pole. Just go to YouTube and watch the bloopers video and you will know why it isn’t worth being a cheapskate. I have seen it take place many times. Get the right pole the first time around.

These Tip were by Amanda Richwell from Ezine Article.

Pole fitness 101 injury prevention

September 30, 2009

iStock_pole with handsWith world wide popularity of pole fitness, certain injuries have emerged, rendering injury prevention a top priority.

Pole Fitness, is a highly physical sport, much like gymnastics and the aerial arts, particularly, in the intermediate levels on up. All major muscle groups in the body are used while pole dancing. However, the upper body muscles are very crucial for the strength required to lift, hold and move the body about the pole; and are in constant motion with every pole move. The muscles that fall in these four groups are: upper back muscles, shoulder muscles, chest muscles and arm muscles.

Because of the continual use of these muscles, rotator cuff injuries, pulled muscles and wrist sprain/pain are on the rise.

Overuse is one of the main causes of injuries. Pole dancing can become addictive. For those who take a liking to the pole; want to “perfect” their pole moves and will practice morning, noon and night. They often incorporate other strenuous exercise like yoga or weight lifting into their regimen, not allowing the muscles to rest and regroup.

Overused muscles = quicker injuries.

Working ones way up from the basic classes to the more advanced classes, with patience and care is essential in building up these muscle groups safely. A new student should never be allowed to invert or climb in their very first class. A body needs to condition itself for these types of moves. The question that comes up most often by new students is: When will I be ready to move on to the next level? Individual progression rates are based on a multitude of factors. However, one of the most crucial factors is individual physical fitness levels, which varies from person to person. Therefore progression rates will be different. Pole moves should be taught in a progressive manner. One move should lead to the next, not jumping in head first, so to speak. The exception is if someone has had prior pole fitness at another studio, then beginner may not be necessary. Talk to a qualified instructor of the pole fitness studio you are considering attending for more information

Patience can’t be stressed enough. Often times women who want to try pole fitness will want to start at the somewhat advanced levels already (not understanding that pole dancing isn’t as easy as it looks) however, like any new fitness regimen, starting at the beginning is best. A good instructor will know when a student is ready to move on.

Because injuries are at their highest when the muscles are cool, a minimum 10 minute warm-up and 10-15 cool-down and stretch should always be incorporated before any workout.

Cool muscles = potential injuries.

Liability insurance, both individual and studio coverage, is another means of protection if injured. Accidents can happen, even with the most experienced of instructors, even with “crash pads”. To use crash pads or not is up to individual pole studios. Some feel that crash pads provide a false sense of security and do not use them. The school of thought is that if someone is being trained to fall properly there is no need for crash pads. As well, a good instructor will watch the student like a hawk, establish their level of ability, physically; and spot the student according to the move being preformed.

Most importantly, know your own body and what it is capable of and heed the warning signs. Proceed with that knowledge in mind and your injuries will be at a minimum.

This helpful article was by Carmen Cash from the Examiner.

Benefits of Pole Dancing

September 23, 2009

Dance-Pole-X-Pole-Dancing-Pole-Pole dancing itself is a sport and a skill. It incorporates gymnastic, ballet and modern dance movements around a polished pole. There are endless varieties of tricks that can be performed in a choreographed dance routine. You will be able to learn many of the pole skills through practice. The movements include spins, climbs, static poses and body inverts. The pole dancer may add some floor work and sexy filler moves that complete the dance routine.

There are 3 main styles when it comes to learning the art of pole. These consist of exotic dance, empowerment and pole fitness. People decide to take up pole dance for different reasons. You should try all the different varieties to find out which of the genres you prefer.

Exotic dance is what some people will probably think of when they first hear about pole dancing. This is sometimes the sleazy image that comes to mind but this is not necessarily the case. It does make some women feel ‘sexy’ and they will want to keep some form of exotic dancing involved in their pole dance routine. It has evolved from something performed in a strip related environment but it has developed into a form of art. This type of dancing can be ‘beautiful’ to watch. Some performances have even been likened to a gliding swan.

Many women have experienced empowerment though practising the art of pole. It can provide emotional benefits like an increased feeling of self confidence and provide an all over feeling of well being. It can make you feel stronger, taller and confident.

It is now a recognised form of exercise. It is used as an aerobic workout and for both strength and toning. Participants can expect toning from head to toe and an increase in muscle definition all over especially in the arms, thighs and buttocks. For those interested in statistics, a good session can burn up to 400 calories an hour. That’s the equivalent of two Mars Bars.

It helps by increasing flexibility, improving your posture and overall fitness, whilst enjoying fun dance moves, and all without wondering what you look like. You certainly need strength, flexibility and the ability to express yourself through dance and fitness to get the most from your dancing. The good news is that you do not need to be extremely fit or flexible when you first start, you can gradually build up your skills, strength and flexibility. It is suitable for any figure, of any age or any fitness level.

So go on why not give Pole Dance a whirl!

Article by Tracy Lloyd from Ezine Article

Pole dancing safety tips

September 9, 2009

poledancePole dancing can become a strenuous physical activity, so it’s important that you be in reasonably good shape before you even take your first swing around the pole. As always, you may want to consult your doctor before starting any new fitness programs. Pole dancing also has a few other safety considerations you should keep in mind.

  1. No Lotions: You should not have any type of lotion or oil on your hands before pole dancing. You need as much friction as possible so as not to fall off the pole. It’s also a good idea to wipe the pole down before beginning.
  2. Start with Sneakers: While you may want to build up to wearing high heels while pole dancing, it’s wise to learn new moves in sneakers. Dancing in heels can be dangerous, particularly if you are attempting unfamiliar, athletic moves. If you do decide to switch to heels at some point, don’t start with stilettos or platforms! Weardance heels with a rubber bottom, wide base and ankle strap.
  3. Give Yourself Some Room: You’re going to be spinning around on the pole with your legs and arms extended so be sure to give yourself enough clearance. You don’t want to build momentum and go flying into your television set. Keep your pole dancing practice area unobstructed.
  4. Check the Pole’s Stability: It’s worth saying again. Check and recheck your pole’s stability. It should be secure and able to take your full body weight.
  5. Warm Up: Because pole dancing is an athletic form of dance, you’ll want to be sure your body is warmed up before starting. Your abs, quadriceps and arms deserve special attention.
  6. Don’t Jump Up on the Pole: You don’t want to throw your body at or around the pole. You build momentum for spins by walking around the pole and swinging your outside leg towards it. You pull yourself up onto the pole with your arms and abs. At no point should you really be jumping up onto it. You don’t want to bang yourself up.
  7. Dress Appropriately: When you’re first starting out, it’s important to wear comfortable clothes you can move in as opposed to constricting, “sexy” garments. If you’re a more advanced student who intends on learning inversions, you will want to expose your arms and legs in order to get more traction on the pole. As a beginner, standard gym attire is perfectly appropriate. Nothing excessively baggy, however. You don’t want your clothing to obstruct your movement.

These tips were provided by

Men’s pole fitness

August 26, 2009

Here’s an article from

Men’s pole fitness is here, yesterday, today, and even more so tomorrow.

Men on poles aren’t new. Chinese pole dancing, mainly done by men in China and Japan, has long been part of acrobatic acts, done in circus shows. More recently Cirque De Soleil has incorporated a variety of pole acts in there shows. Mainly Chinese pole acts, and swinging poles which are mostly performed by men. Chinese poles are vertical steel poles that are generally between 3 and 9 meters in height and approximately 3 to 4 inches in diameter. They are often covered by rubber to improve grip. Some of the poles are rotating, which allows the performer to spin, while performing. Not an easy task while performing gravity defying moves up in the air. Often times, the men wear special flat thin shoes to help them climb and stay on the poles. This type of pole acrobatics requires extreme upper body and core strength,  and agility, similar to that of an Olympic gymnast, as demonstrated in the videos listed below.

Seeing men on poles doing awe inspiring tricks (ok well some just having fun on the pole) is the wave of the future in the good ole US of A. It will be slow to catch on, compared to Europe, but it is already climbing in our direction. Pole fitness can be an alternative way to lift weights and gain strength, since it requires using ones own body weight to lift oneself up on a pole.

Considering how much strength and agility is needed to perform the largely gymnastics oriented pole tricks similar to what gymnasts do in the Olympics, more men will eventually participate. They already are in the UK, other parts of Europe and in selected studios around  America.  One such studio is this Salt Lake City, studio in Utah (yes, Utah) Studio Soiree. These are every day men who proclaim that pole dancing helps them with rock climbing. Upper body strength certainly lends itself to hanging on to, well, anything really, and definitely helps with endurance.

Not to mention that pole dancing is just pure fun regardless of gender. A shinning example of this is Poledancerfan of youtube. He is a middle aged father, who regularly posts youtube videos of himself attempting and doing different pole tricks, while his wife is upstairs making a pot roast. He often pokes fun at himself, and entertains his audience at the same time as seen by one of his youtube videos pasted below.

Welcome Everyone!

August 22, 2009

funpolefitness8219Welcome to our blog! We are a group of people with fitness experience with a lot of sass. Regular fitness classes can become boring quick and no one wants to be bored while working out. So here we are! Offering a fun and new way to work out!

You will have fun while you get stronger dancing and moving with a pole. This will build your confidence, strength, flexibility and self-esteem. We offer a blend of creative movement, strength-training, and of course the FUN!

Check out our class schedule and strap those heels on and get ready for a fantastic workout!